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My Bloc Party CD Collection!

This is where I show pictures and favorite albums from my favorite indie rock band Bloc Party!

With some interesting facts included!!!

Little Thoughts EP

This album here called Little Thoughts EP, was the first album that I got. This album is very special to me because it has a specific track on there that I really liek :)

This track is called "Skeleton". This was the, I think the 3rd song I've ever heard from Bloc Party, and I thought it was good, until I listened to it again like around this year and holy shit it made me realize how fucking awesome this song is

it's honestly the best song I've ever heard imo. To this day, it's still my all time favorite song. You might like it mayb :)

Cool lil' fact about this CD: This type of CD is an Enhanced CD. Pretty much the whole point of Enhanced CDs is that, not only can you store music on the CD, you can store pictures, videos and stuff.

While I was waiting for Little Thoughts EP to arrive, I thought of getting their first album. Mostly because it had a couple of tracks on there that I really liked so getting one sounded cool.

I'm actually glad I got it, because it INSTANTLY become my favorite album and also the first time in years that I've listened to an album in its entirety. All of the songs on there are amazing.

It's hard to choose a favorite because quite literally all of the songs on the album are my favorites lol, so I'll just show you this track

This track is called "Banquet". One of the first songs I've heard from the band and what got me a little interested in them.